Contributions by: AC, Michael Craver, Derrien Hinton, Jordan Mann, & Ty Scott
September 14, 2023
Every season, I'm always curious about how everyone would rank the players on Duke's roster from top to bottom. And I'm especially curious about how their rankings compare to mine.
There's a good mix of returning and incoming players on this year's squad, and some good potential for varying opinions to clash.
So, this season, I asked the members of the Duke Wisdom Network to give me their rankings of all 15 Blue Devils on the 2023-24 roster. Then I compared them to mine and took the overall average ranking.
Without further ado, here is the DWN's average ranking of all 15 Duke men's basketball players (each writer's individual ranking will be listed at the end as well).
15.) Spencer Hubbard
Average Ranking: 14.5
14.) Stanley Borden
Average Ranking: 14
13.) Neal Begovich
Average Ranking: 13.5
12.) Jaden Schutt
Average Ranking: 11.17
11.) Christian Reeves
Average Ranking: 11
10.) Jaylen Blakes
Average Ranking: 10.83
9.) TJ Power
Average Ranking: 8.83
8.) Sean Stewart
Average Ranking: 8.17
7.) Ryan Young
Average Ranking: 6.5
6.) Caleb Foster
Average Ranking: 6
5.) Jared McCain
Average Ranking: 5.17
4.) Mark Mitchell
Average Ranking: 3.83
3.) Jeremy Roach
Average Ranking: 3.33
2.) Tyrese Proctor
Average Ranking: 1.83
1.) Kyle Filipowski
Average Ranking: 1.33
Here is a chart showing off all individual rankings from the six participating members (including myself):